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Make account with personal starter option, this would be your online bank account and it is accepted in more than 190 countries accross the globe it is similar to paypal, and this account is based on your email and while using your email you can login this account and here all the money which you will earn will come from the different sites and when you r earned money will reach the minimum threshold amount and once when you received the money from various sites where you worked , you will than be able to send the money to your own account in pakistani banks but account must be the online one and if it is of standard charterd bank than transactions will take even less time. Last but not the leasst that use the appropriate and valid email address for making account on alertpay and use one username and password on all sites so that you dont face any password forget situation
ok suppose you have made the account
Than follow the banners below, register there by making accounts and than see the adverisements daily and remember one thing that buddy open one add from the site at a time for example if you wanna open the two sites than from each site open one add at a time
Thats how to earn the money ,its slow and steady process buddies but it works and it is working for me so why not for you go on and change your destiny but remember if you wanna get short cut than sorry there is no short cut in the life so go on
Make sure that zavis2003 is written in the referrel option.
Below are some BANNERS which you will use for the registration.